DP survey
Ukrainian refugees in Poland
Forcibly Displaced People (FDP) coming from Ukraine to Poland are well-educated - nearly half have higher or incomplete higher education. Three waves of WiseRabbit FDP survey (N=900) indicate that Ukrainian professionals want to learn Polish and get a job. But only ¼ would like to stay in Poland.
Are we about to miss a chance to keep such an entrepreneurial workforce in our society?
WiseRabbit has published a report highlighting the key insights regarding the changing needs and situation of FDP in Poland. The report includes e.g.:
⦁ demographic profile,
⦁ usage of banking services,
⦁ usage of mobile services,
⦁ plans for emigration or return to Ukraine.
WiseRabbit would like to thank EUROPEAN FUND ASSISTANT INTEGRATION for its support at the data collection stage.
If you would like to know more, please contact us: